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Re: Breast cancer, parasites and anti-anxiety meds
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Published: 18 y
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Re: Breast cancer, parasites and anti-anxiety meds

Vulcanel says to put IP6 in your tooth powder, and it will remineralize the teeth. I open a few caps and mix it with baking soda. Good for you for removing the Amalgam fillings. I had mine out in the early 80's, but never did anything except eat a little bit of cilantro to remove the mercury from my tissues.

Vulcanel explained to me that the reason I have trouble keeping my eyes on one spot, is because there is mercury in my system. (When I do open eye meditaion, my eyes jump around, instead of staying put. I can't seem to control it.) He said you can maintain your focus for as long as you want, once the mercury is gone. I have been using Iodine to get the mercury out of my system, and I am able to focus for much longer now, than I could a year ago, but I still have some way to go.

Metals are like a parasite magnet. It is much easier to get rid of them, if you get the metal out of your system. If you have not already done so, therapeutic doses of Iodine will push the residual mercury out of your system. It makes you feel anxious and paranoid when the stuff starts coming out, but it's worth it to get rid of it.


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