People's Dental horror story
As I've posted here before, I am a member of the Yahoo People's Dental forum,
which advocates Dr. Nara's approach, but sadly, the moderator is averse to
the subject of oil pulling. Anyway, this post just came in there, I'm thinking of
advising her to try OP and referring her to this forum. Are there any posters here
who have had success reversing a diagnosis of periodontal disease?
In her case, it seems the medication might complicate things. I would imagine
OP is much more effective sans medication.
Post from People's Dental forum:
I was diagnosed with Periodontal disease about two weeks ago. I have to say, it was a very
distressing day and I stopped breathing in the office when I was told and nearly passed
out. I asked for water and the assitant gave me a dixie cup which I swallowed out of and
asked for 6 more, aparently these people don't understand how upsetting this is.
The doctor told me with sadnend look that I needed deep scaling and then surgery, but I
would still lose 4 teeth plus my two front teeth.
I was then escorted to the payment room where I was to discuss payment plans. By then I
was in shock and sat there thinking, if only I had not run out of money for the past two
years and found some way to still go and have my teeth cleaned for the customary $350
cleaning. You see last time I had my teeth cleaned was in the summer of 2005. After two
years of absolute poverty (my husband and I even went on food stamps) we just did not
have the money for the dentist. The only thing that was different was I had developed
hypothyroidism caused by Hoshimoto's disease and have been on medication for it since
May. In August my teeth started acting really wierd, front teeth started drifting and now I
have a big huge Laura Hutton gap in front.
anyways, I sat there, feeling only guilt, and stupid, this is how this peridontist made me
feel and especially after he told me the thyroid condition had nothing to do with the teeth,
nor the meds I am taking.
My teeth have always been beautiful, I had braces, so its very upsetting to me, that this
has occured so suddenly and especially because I brush, floss and use that idiotic
The financial assistant took me through the fees I would have to pay. The scaling and
cleaning would cost $800, I have that in my savings, but it will hurt. The surgery would
cost close to $4000 and that did not include new teeth to replace the ones that will fall out
are have to be pulled. they told me I could get financing for 12 months. With my credit, I
don't think that will happen. I have to say this lady was kind to me, she told me I would
not have to have my teeth pulled quietly, and said, my teeth could stay in for who knows
how long, so I should not be scared about that.
My questions are: is it possible that my regular medical health insurance would cover this?
My husbands company does offer dental insurance, but I have to wait for the first of the
year to get it,
will it pay for my surgery even if its a pre-existing condition?
Can I seek alternative treatments like Perio-protect and has anyone here had this
treatment done?
Can I find a dentist who will offer me charity surgery or atleast low cost or based on
otherwise, I seek anyones emotional support and help. I am now in the beginning stages
of hiding my smile a bit cause of the gap. I also got layed off my job two days ago, but
fortunatly my husband still has me covered under this medical insurance.
thanks for any advice.