Re: My milk is yellow!
How much are you taking now?
I was put on thyroid meds after I gave birth, and while I was breastfeeding. I wasn't too successful at breastfeeding my first child so I didn't do it for very long, under 6 months.
With my 2nd child, I was on thyroid meds (2 grains a day)while pregnant, I was living 1 block from the ocean and swam just about daily in it, and had been for a couple years before my 2nd pregnancy. I breastfed him for 2 and 1/2 years. The whole time on thyroid meds, and I took a high potency protein drink for 3 years, which was the whole pregnancy, and the whole breastfeeding time. It had added
Iodine in it. Although I'm sure it was in the micrograms amount.
I can make some observations now about living and swimming that often in the ocean since learning about
Iodine here, then moving away from it and not going in the ocean, either rarely or not at all. I'll post about them sometime. I found it as Spock would say, "fascinating".