we do know the long term effects. people get better.
we dont know everything, but we do know a lot. what we dont know is how much is too much. we do know that some is essential for various things and that there is a wide range between minimum and adequate before "too much" is ever encountered.
Iodine docs were asked this about infants and they said one drop of
Lugols every other day. that is 3mg per day. and then the mother needs some(lots of it, actually).
just look at the dosage for infants that the feds issue in case of nuclear emergency:
One dose every 24 hours. Take one dose as soon as possible and then every 24 hours at the same time each day. Take potassium
Iodide only when exposed to radioactive
Iodine as notified by state or local public health officials.Pills are double-scored for easy separation is desired. Follow this FDA Guideline for administering to young children if desired.
Age 18+* -----------130mg daily (One IOSAT tablet)
Age 3 - 18 -----------65mg daily (1/2 IOSAT tablet) - Adolescents approaching adult size should receive the full adult dose (130 mg).
1 month - 3 yrs. ----- 32mg daily (1/4 IOSAT tablet)
Birth - 1 month ----- 16mg daily (1/8 IOSAT tablet)
16 mg of
KI is 12 mg of iodine. thats equal to two drops per day of lugols.
Iodine docs say four drops of
Lugols is minimum for women.
thats a lot of territory as far as safety is concerned. i am with HoW. i see a range of 25-100mgs as being safe and effective for lactating women. this will ensure the child gets all they need. and believe me, they need it. the child will get all they need in the milk, like nature intended. its a win/win.