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Lymph system? Movement? Kelp?
fledgling Views: 4,397
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Lymph system? Movement? Kelp?

Our magnificent bodies are extremely complicated, and every person operates them differently...has been operating them differently for years.

'Science' believes all they have to do is figure out what every molecule does, and feed something that makes it do differently.

I'm guessing that, in many cases, all we need to do is to stop feeding things that stress, and feed small amounts of things that heal...and that the body is always ready to heal itself, given half a chance.

Number One, of course, is to trust your own system. You may not understand it, and you may not even know what stresses it, but, if you are still breathing you can be sure that many, many things are still working.

I, too, have had 'stabs' in funny places.

Most notably in the extreme left and right sides of my waist. I am capable of imagining monsters with big toothy grins, but that doesn't help me one bit. I prefer to look on the bright makes me feel better.

So, when I get the occasional 'stab' in the sides of my breasts, or in my armpits, I ask if my lymph glands might be moving on 'blockages' of some kind...or melting them...or some kind of nerve reaction...or...

'Asking' is the same as when you are grocery shopping for dinner. You want a green vegetable. You see something that is lovely and fresh and dark green. Then you picture the meal as far as the plan has formed in your mind, and who will be there to eat it...and a zillion other things you know about feeding that green to your family...and you make your choice.

All same as what is mysteriously going on inside.

Usually my first reaction is to press on it...that's usually enough to make the 'stab' stop.

My second reaction is to ask how strong is/was the feeling. Shall I sit down? Should I call for the ambulance? Is something about to fall out? Among the available options I get a sense of the severity of the problem.

When Sharon Stone had her stroke, she knew at the beginning what it was. It came with the most severe headache she had ever experienced.

She sought counsel from her ex, by telephone...but the distance was too great, he thought there was less cause for alarm and advised accordingly. Sharon then spent the next eleven days wandering her house, unable to feed herself or even to phone for help. Luckily someone came by and wouldn't take things at face value.

She was taken to hospital and recovered completely. Her body had saved her life. It had worked on the disfunction very, very well, for eleven days, without thinking.

Thinking, imagining, speculation are all very helpful, but, sometimes, the body takes over, and does enough of the right things. In fact, I think it is doing the right things for us all along.

The brain is more useful to us as a noticer, a judger of the severity of the situation, and a chooser of options.

Sharon Stone advises that, if we suddenly get the worst headache we have ever had, call for an ambulance immediately.

In less severe circumstances, we could try small amounts of movement, which is the only pump for the lymph system; a lighter diet of wholesome, easily digested things; some clean water; and a little dried kelp per day...building if it proves to be useful.

Please know that I am a confirmed worrier. My 'thinker' works overtime, big time. Yet, even I have been able to calm stressful speculation quite wonderfully...often with a little help from my friends...and from reading.

There is a heap of worrisome 'info' out there, and very little calming reassurance.

So, try the movement (moderate stretching and flexing is a good place to begin); a lighter diet; clean water; a little dried kelp (apparently it contains Vitamin C as well as lots of other good stuff); exhaling gently and fully on the exertion; a salt bath as suggested in Daisy4's post in the Salt forum R messages; and figure out what moves your system more regularly. What makes you feel better?

Oh yes...spit.

To calm an overactive mind, lie down, and physically smile...thinking of the area around your belly button. Some Taoists believe there is a body mind that can use your excess energy, once the mind doesn't demand any more. The smile breaks the connection...easily...and the ensuing sleep puts your excess energy to better use.

In sleep, you will become instantly awake, alert, and ready to act, in any emergency. Trust that.

My best,




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