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New UK - re Wormless Product?
Rexy Views: 3,247
Published: 18 y

New UK - re Wormless Product?


I went into the website for this product, and just wanted to ask you if you had tried any of his other products? I'm thinking of the tonics for Liver/ kidney cleanse etc - or is the wormer one the only one you took? Despite what I said to you in message below about the Higher Nature Colon Clear as soon as I take one Paratrex capsule( the constipation returns with a vengeance - so am wondering as well about the tonics he has for this as well. Like you, this is a huge problem for me, I dont imagine you can make a whole lot of progress if you're not eliminating properly - I have to find an answer for it. I hope at some stage I can resolve this without having to resort to constant laxative type products, did it not improve for you as you got stronger?

Thanks, Rexy


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