Hi Rexy I took Liver Detox last year with good effect however the old symptoms returned shortly after.
In January this year I took Wormless and did well on it (minimal die off unlike other products) but by the end of the month I started to have loose movements. The Godshaer guy had told me to do treatment for 2 months as I had a history of parasites. I didn’t take his advice! I had a bottle of Liver Detox in the cupboard so I went straight on with that. This second time round was not good at all.
In April I went back on Wormless and started to feel good. As a result I felt much better this summer – my strength returned – no more brain fog or depression. I still had constipation but when I went ok I really felt as if I was a hair’s breadth away from complete recovery. I rarely do hard stools – I just don’t GO! I take 4 tablespoons of olive oil, drink masses of water. I was taking CO-TON (based on Dr Christopher’s herbs including cayenne and cascara segrada and fennel). It is supposed to tone the colon. Didn’t work - just did slim poos.
I still believed my problem was parasitic and as 6 months had gone by I started Wormless again (10 days ago). I did
colonics before I started. This time, I actually bought an enema kit from the colonicist. This is a major step for me. I was brave enough to do my first enema 2 days ago. It was surprisingly easy (I just did a plain warm water enema). Though I couldn't hold the water for long. Yesterday I did a
coffee enema because this is supposed to increase the bile and stimulate the liver and be especially beneficial. I got the instructions wrong and am going to have another go today! I believe it is not harmful to do a few enemas when you are killing parasites.
Just telling you all this in case it helps. We both have a lot of the same problems and it’s all a learning curve. Please tell me where you are at – it’s so helpful to me.
I will try Godshaer’s Leaky gut herbs when I have finished Wormless. I have more confidence in his products now and I am the most suspicious person in the world!