Re: Parasites, ACV, and raw meat?
.. the problem with the experiment is that he only soaked the meat for 15 minutes, whereas I have marinaded my meat for up to three or four days. so i am not sure if the 15 minute experiment applies to what I am doing...
Thinking about it, I would say that 'the 15 minute experiment' might apply to what you're doing if there's some organism inside the meat that's resistant to vinegar, OR if the vinegar doesn't penetrate the meat fully and entirely.
For the latter case, let's consider the following:
From experience, as thin as someone should be able to slice a piece of meat manually [or at home], I'd find it hard to achieve a slice [smaller than or] beyond a couple millimeters thick; two or three perhaps?
According to metric system theory and as I understand it, one millimeter should hold one thousand micrometers. The ova of some species of helminths sometimes fit into a space of 20 micrometers or maybe even less -first or close to first on my list of 'suspicious stuff' re:meat, these helminths [and resistant little monsters they are, too. But there may be TOUGHER, AND smaller, way smaller ones].
With these facts, a quick and simple calculation should make it obvious that if a slice of meat is three millimiters thick, it's an equivalent proposition to say that it's 3000 micrometers thick.
If there is any tough organism such as "a helminth in a shell" [ovum] that can fit into 20 micrometers or maybe even into less space [at least AS FAR AS ITS KNOWN TO SCIENCE], such an organism should fit comfortably in 3000 micrometers, because there's plenty of space in 3000 units for something only 20 units in length, right? So then this ovum would have roughly 2800 micrometers of 'loose space' where it could reside in delight and comfort [actually in 2880 micrometers, because: 3000-20].
This means in turn that if such an organism resides right in the middle of the imaginary slice in question, there should be about 2800/2 micrometers of 'leeway' for it in both directions and across the thickness of the entire slice [think of it as the entire thickness of the slice split right into half, with the organism placed right in the middle of the cuts like some kind of sandwich].
Now think about that again for a minute.
If it were the case -entirely possible with microorganisms if you ask me [because there are so many, and AT LEAST ONE of them is likely to reside in the middle of any slice at some given time according to their numbers]-, in such a case then, that 'leeway' should function as some sort of an extra protective shell for the organism, because by virtue of its volume alone it would protect it from the "outside world", at least to some degree.
So there you'd have an organism 20 micrometers in one dimension, but now protected by an extra shell over 1400 micrometers on each lateral direction to it [a shell over 70 times its size, without counting the other dimensions of the slice, of course, bound to be immensely greater by sheer logic]. That's one heck of a protection for a small organism, in my opinion, no matter how anyone puts it or how much reasoning is provided.
As you see, this vinegar would have to penetrate all that extension of meat in a concentration strong enough to reach the organism's own shell, which is known to be tough [never forget how some helminth eggs "are thought" to last for many years withstanding 'extremes', or how some spores are thought to last for thousands of years, germinating later "when the time is right"]. Furthermore, this vinegar would have to cover all that meat while keeping intact most of its acidic properties [power], so that at least some of its effectiveness could reach the organism by the time it gets to its real shell. I'm not so sure this would be possible even after 24 hours, considering that the vinegar itself is bound to lose its power and "to turn into something else" over time, as a result of continuous chemical interactions. No one needs to be a chemist to see this, I think, but keep in mind that this is just the opinion of one possible scenario; an opinion based on data nevertheless.
For that reason, I would be a very careful customer when considering these things in terms of my health.
If all I've said above is based on fact [something incredibly easy to verify], its simple logic should yield for you some conclusions and a printout you could take even to the bank. [Well, maybe not to the bank -- they're likely to kick you "in the scope's rear" with the printout itself -so to speak- , but you can make good use of it anyway, seriously speaking]
If I were you and based on the above, lacking evidence and some careful tests, I'd assume on the side of caution by considering the [likely?] possibility that "something alive" is following the raw meat along when you ingest it, despite this vinegar treatment. In that case, it'd be all up to your body's ability to deal with the issue, to luck, and to how you place your outcome "on the hands of the unknown".
I think that to be safer, something simple but factual you could do is to slice a piece of meat right across after this 24 hour period, and to observe it CAREFULLY on its interior afterwards.
Keeping in mind the astronomical disadvantage of this observation [a macroscopic one of microscopic events], if all the surface crosswise the slicing action seems similar in appearance [at the transverse section or plane], then MAYBE you're safe. If the surface appears redder or different in aspect towards the center and "cooked" near the exterior, then in my opinion you may be in these hands "of the unknown" more than anything else. If the surface appears evenly "cooked", you MAY BE safe. I couldn't be sure neither way, as you can see.
In any event and if my reasoning above is correct, since we're dealing with microscopic entities, in my opinion you need luck with what you're doing [don't we all?], to ingest meat that's not 'edible' for sure.