Re: More olive leaf questions help please
Most of us are here because we don't "believe" in the drugs, especially
Antibiotics and accutane (accutane is ESPECIALLY dangerous). I've done both many times and am convinced they make the situation worse, not better. Indeed, I have come to believe that it is
Antibiotics that GAVE me candida (testing has proved positive for candida) which I believe is the cause of my acne; anti-candida supplements like horopito and olive leaf have given me more relief from
Acne than any drug.
As long as
Acne has been around, doctors STILL don't really know what causes it (bacteria? we all have it yet few get acne. Testosterone? then why don't all men - huge packages of testo - have it? Cleanliness? Don't give me THAT! etc, etc); they only apply band-aids that hurt more than help. Since scientists/drs can't figure it out, we can only try to help ourselves.
The only help I can attribute to dermatologists is retin-A, which accelerates skin cell turnover. I can only share what works for me (and I've had
Acne for 40 years!!!...seen it all in that time) and hope others may be helped also. You've been on the board for a long time...have you ever considered candida as a cause or tried supplements for it? If you haven't tried anti-candida methods, you can't say you've tried everything. Good luck with your
Antibiotics , but if you seem to get worse over time, it's probably because they gave you candida.