Re: Post Nasal Drip? (New to the forum!)
I sympathize with you, as this is a problem for me too. All of it is connected, the PCOS, the candida, the PND. It is connected by carbs and sugars, which is why the low glycemic index works for you. I can tell right away when I have had something with starch, as my nose gets stopped up. Flour and dairy products are big mucus makers. Starch and sugars, even fruit sugars, feed candida. PCOS is made worse by a high glycemic diet. Have your blood
Sugar tested often, as insulin and carbohydrate metabolism can be a problem.
Right now you are detoxing. Try not to swallow the PND, but blow your nose gently throughout the day. You may be detoxing candida, which can be irritating, even excoriating to the nasal passages, or the genital/anal area. Good hygiene is important, and topical
Colloidal Silver can be invaluable. Cotton ball soaked in CS can be inserted vaginally or nasally. CS can be put into a nasal spray bottle and sprayed in nasal passages. You want to prevent this toxic substance from remaining on the skin.
You can take high doses of probiotics (I take acidophilus from Walmart; it's cheap and very effective) that will help with both the candida and increased elimination. You want to maximize your elimination through the bowels so as not to eliminate from the sinuses.
Although this link is from the
Iodine forum, it gives a good explanation of detox.
You might want to start reading the
Iodine VWT Forum (there are two), as
Iodine has worked wonders with cysts, both breast and ovaries.
As for adding in other foods, don't be in a hurry. You want to have everything you are going to detox out, and this is not just what goes in daily. This is what has gone into your tissues and organs since you were a baby. You will have cycles of detox and cycles of rebuilding. During rebuilding, you will feel better. Detox pretty much sucks, but you are going to go through it, not get stuck in it, which is what happens when one continues to overload the body. Try to get optimum nutrition with the low glycemic diet as a guideline. It may take a year or two, or even more. Just stick with it!
It will help others if you post your progress, as well as let others more experienced give you feedback.