Right on doc and I think we need to be aware that the elites are the sickest people around - they are in need of healing more than anyone else. The other day in my meditation - at the end - after conjuring up a steady stream of healing light and energy - I was inspired to ask for healing for all the sickest people in our society and of course I had in mind the poor - the ill etc. But for some reason it came to me that the ones at the top of the phoney pyramid scheme are the very sickest of all and in need of the most healing energy. So that is who I offered it to. Believe me it is very unlike me because I am usually raging and ranting about them and at them etc. LOL
But really don't you think that we should all be demanding and encouraging healing for these characters. I had an image of our dear leader (as the figurehead puppet) falling to his knees and crying a mighty river of healing tears and finally - finally a flood of truth coming forth. It may be that they will realize that contrary to their previous expectations they are not going to be able to escape from the mess they have created here and begin to desire healing.
Let's visualise it...... and if I seem too wacky just let it slide O.K.? Maybe I'm not!