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update on body's use of iodine/question
roooth Views: 1,170
Published: 18 y

update on body's use of iodine/question

So when I first started a few weeks ago, a painted spot disappeared in 1 1/2 my spot is almost gone and it has been 10 hours. So maybe completely gone by 12 hours? Would the lovely folks on the forum agree that this is a good gauge of where we are - if a painted spot fades completely somewhere between 12 - 24 hours?

I was thinking about doing a super-high dose to see if I noticed anything (I've already been doing 100-150, and have done 240 in one morning, mostly Iodoral, some Lugol's), just to see. Then again, there's the whole thing that we didn't get to where we are in one day and it takes time. I hope my body temp starts going up. Anyway, I'm taking a break for 2 days, then back on, probably in smaller doses since my painting has drastically changed and indicates that my body has more Iodine to work with. I suppose I'll then go to concentrating on another method for increased health. Mid November I'll be going back to Liver Flushing - wheee!


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