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Advice anyone?
ozgur Views: 2,018
Published: 18 y

Advice anyone?

Hello, everyone, I am new to this forum and parasite cleansing, but had a situation I was hoping some of you may know about. This morning I woke up at 3:30am with a really tight stomach and sulfurous burps (my wife thought I had bad gas-rotten egg like). So, I did some research and think it could be parasit related. Here are my symptoms, although I know I have candida, so I know that there is some relation to the symptoms, so with that in mind here is what has been going on:

Recent sleep pattern disruption (can't sleep until late at night and am wide awake and very focused)
Irritability/mood swings
Insatiable food cravings (I've long had an unbelievable appetite-but it doesn't seem natural to me-did a parasite cleanse before and cravings subsided temporarily, but did not do a follow up cleanse)
Tired and lethargic a lot
Have traveled to a lot in the middle east and some in central asia and have gotten really sick a couple of times.

That's all I can think of right now. I'm pretty sure I've got some more unwanted hosts to get out, especially because I never did the follow up cleanse after the first round of my parasite cleasnse a year and a half ago (blessed herbs cleanse).

So, any advice anyone? Does it sound like I have parasites or am I crazy? Any suggested protocols. I have a blessed herbs kit that I will probably do again, but for the follow up, any suggestions?


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