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Anxiety & disorders
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Anxiety & disorders

For crying out loud, we've placed SO much emphasis on the "cookie-cutter-personality" in an attempt to place people in pigeon holes that young people are honestly feeling that they have some sort of identifiable psychological/psychiatric disorder! Feeling angst among groups of people is not a symptom of any disorder! It's a normal, natural, and manageable experience that many, many, many people cope with on a daily basis. Corporate Executives weren't born with the ability to take charge of a situation, they learned through trial and error what worked for them and what didn't.

If you are tongue-tied in group situations, a course at your local community college in "Effective Speech" may (or, may not) help you to sort out your thoughts and put them into words, effectively. Then, again, the idea of speaking in a public venue might cause greater angst - only you know what you will and will not cope with.

I believe that the responses to your original message were all outstanding - great suggestions, heartfelt encouragement, and sound reason can be read in them all! I particularly appreciate the "Relax...and be yourself" response. It is far wiser to become friends with potential partners before entering into a whirlwind relationship - the foundation of trust, honesty, and support found in sincere friendships will allow for the building of a most excellent long-term committment!

Another suggestion that may help would be for you to become involved in a new hobby or interest - something that will pique your interest and open up your mind to new ideas and information. A creative writing course, non-credit art courses, acting courses, horticulture, SOMEthing that will take your Self off of the beaten path to new experiences will give you a plethora of experiences to relay and questions to ask. And, there's the possibility that you might meet someone that shares your same interests. It's not that you are incapable of expressing yourself, but (PERHAPS) that you aren't pushing the edge of your personal envelope and experiencing new situations and knowledge - life is becoming rote, perhaps.

At any rate, you're just fine! Best wishes to you!


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