Just relax and be yourself
Hi, I read both your posts, thank you for referencing the prior one. My first thought is that your post today is well written, and relays your intelligence and sincerity - proving you DO communicate and interact. :-) I think you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself and this is creating stress. Perhaps this also makes your situation seem more insurmountable than it is.
It sounds like you really want a girlfriend. An ideal relationship may very well be coming your way, but in the meantime I suggest concentrating on yourself for awhile. The key to inner happiness is often within one's self - don't depend on others for your happiness. Practice loving and accepting yourself. Build up your self-esteem and confidence level. This will in turn attract others to you with similar qualities. Don't worry about how much dating or sexual experience you have, when the right person comes along, things will fall into place. But don't try to rush or force this experience. Date to learn about someone and let them learn about you. Don't depend on a relationship to give you self-worth, you need to develop that quality within yourself.
Try to be as relaxed as possible during conversations. Let others do some of the talking, find a point in the topic to discuss and take it from there. It may be easier to discuss topics you have interest in, or knowledge of. Or simply give your opinion about something. Don't put undue pressure on yourself to talk simply to keep the conversation going. Silence between friends is understandable and acceptable.
It's a good idea to try to be friends with girls as well as dating them. Try to slow things down and simply enjoy a girl's friendship.
I don't think you have any kind of disorder - heck, you're 24 and a bundle of nerves! This is a wonderful time of life. Don't be in a hurry to be so serious. RELAX!
Blessings, Flower