Re: I made only one post on the ML forum........
"I was simply telling my experiences. I am not taking sides."
I appreciate that very much. I did feel compelled to address the issue of IP6 supplementation given the reference... IP6 is contraindicated in many individuals.
Your subsequent post below explains a great deal more that perhaps would have more clearly addressed your issue(s) with IP6, so that others would be better prepared and aware if they had not first done some investigating on their own...
Both your age, and being male could have a few things to do with why IP6 may be of benefit for you, however, I still would strongly question the value of concurrent use of iodine, a multi-mineral supplement, AND IP6 given the action of IP6.
Under normal circumstances, given high quality, old heirloom whole grains to eat, we most likely would not even be discussing the apparent value of IP6 or contraindications of IP6, however these times are anything but normal.
"IP-6 did stress my kidneys. I learned the value of watermelon. I started eating up to 1/2 of a
Watermelon each day for a while. Now that the season is over, I use dandelion tea. I do get tired of going to the bathroom, but is worth it to me because of the benefits I get.
When will people learn that we are all different and have to pay attention to our own bodies and adjust accordingly? I wish everyone could get the benefits I do from IP-6 and/or iodine, etc. I experiment, research, find things that do not work, find things that are bad for me, and find things that are a great benefit. Folks are individuals. My wife eats cayenne peppers like popcorn. I can look at one and the top of my head will be wet with sweat in 30 seconds. WE ARE ALL INDIVIDUALS.
End quote...
Your last sentence, "we are all individuals" has been a common statement of many others including myself and WHY we must all look into contraindications of diet and supplementing as it may apply to our own, very individual needs.
One man's food is another man's poison; that is my point.
I thank you for your posts and these two that have clarified.