55 year old mom, and 24 yr.old son, our story on Iodine
I thought since we have a lot of new visitors to the forum, I'd just tell a little bit of my story which relates to Iodine, this also has to include my adult son because it was also most helpful in his life..it changed both our lives for the better.
I have been on thyroid meds for 31 years, diagnosed during my first pregnancy. I've learned since then, many women show with goiter and hypothyroidism during this time, due to the stress of pregnancy and so little
Iodine present in our diets. They waited until after childbirth to start me on synthroid, and less than a year, I was up to 4 grains. Into it by about 6 months I knew I wanted off, but when I went off, I lost hair and I gained 25
lbs. all in 2 weeks..which scared the heck out of me so I went back to the Endocrinologist to start again. I was hooked.
Over the years, the doses changed, a new Dr. would be fearful it would harm my heart in those amounts so would lower the dose and I ended up at 2 grains most of those 31 years, I tried Armour too, and none of the meds ever cured the hypothyroidism or multi-nodule goiter. I lived with being on a roller coaster of weight gains, illness, and then chronic anemia.
Ok, I'm skipping the 4 years of finding iron, raw foods diet, raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar, and
parasite cleanse all which helped me gain health, none were detrimental and all were little miracles in my life.
The biggest miracle came when I found this forum and started learning about
Iodine supplementation. On August 24, 2007 I started taking
Lugol's Iodine at 5% solution. I started 1 drop in evening. On August 29th I started taking 2 drops in morning, and 1 drop in evening and I cut back by 1/2 my thyroid meds with no side effects like loss of hair or weight gain. I was feeling better than ever. I was also learning about the companion supplements for detox issues, that may seem complex but really isn't.
My 24 yr. old son was home after graduating from a 4 yr. college and his senior year he spent tired, depressed, not wanting to read the back of a cereal box let alone the college's required book list. He started to take
Lugol's Iodine also on Sept. 4th, 2007 and he started out at 8 drops daily, (by then I was not fearful of giving the higher doses, and I was upping mine also as I went along) and it made a huge difference the first day with him! He came alive, animated and talkative. It was like he came back from someplace rejuvenated and renewed. I know he knew it was the Iodine. I didn't have to remind him to take it, but I did ask if he did take it some of the days, because I wondered what he thought of how important it was to his health.
I'll skip his detoxing for a later time, it's in my older posts if you want to read.
I'm taking
Lugol's at 6 drops twice a day in water with the companion supplements and sometimes using the salt protocol, and have been off my thyroid meds since Sept. 14th, 2007 and I feel terrific. Not only that but my neck is more slender, the goiter is lessened to the point I can't see or feel it with the biggest nodule that used to bother me sometimes seemingly gone. The hypothyroidism is non-existent and I have so much energy and stamina that I could list the things I've been able to do, but will also save that for another time. That also can be found in older posts. I figure the smaller nodules are so tiny now, or gone. I haven't lost any hair, it's thicker than ever, and I didn't gain weight. Iodine has done more for my body, clarity of mind, and improved my overall health than thyroid meds ever did. Thanks to the collective body that is here at this forum for their experiences, guidance and help.
Oh, and btw, by adult son said that Sept. and October have been his most creative ever (he's a writer) and he's been writing and reading with vigor. He also finally left home to find his way in the world, I might add he did it quite abruptly (what's abrupt for a 24 yr. old?) without warning, and he absconded with the Iodine! Thankfully I have since ordered a new bottle and have that. I pray he continues taking his!