Or possible its more of a rectified motivation that mght be helpfull. A more complete understanding and a clearing out of motivations that ask for excitment, distraction, that cater to thoughts which feed the idea of how much better things could be, if only--------.
Food fasting in some regards is one of the simplest and easiest while also being powerfull.
Our motivation is important when attempting any improvment regimin and to fast to achieve something more than physical is very effective.
It is said oral gratification is one of the last desires to be over come also, so we are really affecting base motivations when we take this approach.
With the right attitude, with a healthy focus, the right tecnique, allowing ones body to become sensitive but not to experience depravation, so keeping nutrician up with grass juices or pollen ect and making sure the exhaust is also fireing, fasting can allow ones concentration to be charged so that you will have a different experience of things and the impluses you are feeling wont affect you as you are now describing them.