Re: The Moronic Mentality of the Masses...
I live in an area that has one of the highest rates of breast cancer in the country. i honestly think that one of the reasons is because it is a very affluent area and everyone can afford to get their yearly or bi-yearly mamograms. They all get their dutiful doses of radiation and then they get cancer. I won't have one.
I had one a long time ago - I went for an exam and the doctor found a lump and said I had to have a mamogram. I went to my natural healer doc and he showed me how to clear my lymph glands - he said that the only reason I had a lump was because my lymph glands were clogged. -He said do this clearing technique every day and when went back the lump would be gone - he was right. I wish I hadn't had that mamogram - I won't have any more - i think they are pretty dangerous.
As far as cancer not being able to kill - do you mean that there are natural cures you can take that will always work? - or what - it is a confusing statement. I know people who have died of cancer. Some brought it on themselves by smoking.
I am not of quite as cynical mindset as to think that all medical people are out to kill you or set you up for a long trial of chemo just to make money - I think a lot are well intentioned but just ill informed. I have known some really wonderful freinds who are nurses and they really do care. I got some well intentioned but I think now poor advice from a friend of mine who is a nurse. She is one of the most compassionate and loving people I ahve ever known and have no doubt what so ever that she truly believed what she advised me to do was what she believed was correct..... and yet I wish I had not forllowed her advice.