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Re: When does your Period start after Mirena IUD Removal
apple_blossom Views: 12,588
Published: 18 y
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Re: When does your Period start after Mirena IUD Removal

My period started within a day of having the mirena removed. I didn't know if it was my period at the time, but I'm pretty sure it was. I bled heaps though, to the point that I had to get provera to stop the bleeding. I conceived only a few days later....less than a week after I had mirena removed. A pregnancy test was positive almost 2 weeks later, but then I started bleeding again (my period???) and today the pregnancy test was negative. Alot of pregnancies can end in the first few weeks without the woman even knowing she's pregnant. A doctor told me that after mirena the lining of the uterus would probably not be able to hold a growing embryo for a while. So please, please don't do a pregnancy test until AFTER you think your period would have been due. Although having a baby would not be the best thing for me right now, I was so so so disappointed when I started bleeding, then again today after getting a negative test result. If you really want a baby that badly you should probably wait until you have had at least one normal period. I'd hate anyone to go through what I went through, especially when you want it so badly.
I don't know for sure but I think sperm can live inside the body for up to 3 days. Outside of the body they die pretty quickly.
Good luck with everything!


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