LNDolls, I am so happy you are better :) + looking for answers..
I am checking in here while on the road, and will mostly be gone over the next week-Was very disturbed to read of your discomfort, LN- I just spotted your post this afternoon.
BTW, I can't imagine anyone here scoffing of or making light of you, LNDolls..
So I went lookin'.
*All* the symptomology doesn't match up IMHO, but I thought it might be worth you taking a look..
I am remembering your first intuitive statement ref Potassium Chloride push, and found this posted by Earthclinic's Thai Biochemist, Ted at the following link:
Reader question: How do I get rid of too much potassium in my cells? I have been
drinking water softened with potassium chloride for five years and, through a hair test, found that I have an imbalance of too much potassium and too little sodium. How do I change that? We have switched to distilled water, but that hasn't helped. I have trouble with swollen ankles, feet and lower legs. How can I change that imbalance? Thanks much!"
Ted, from Bangkok Thailand responds, "Distilled water will cause a buffer deficiency whereby the body's pH will vary a lot and may cause ups and down in terms of energy and emotion.
SO taking some baking soda now and then will buffer your body's pH.
Distilled water is not good for you because it lacks bicarbonate buffers. It sometimes causes you to loose hair and swollen cells. Adding some
Sea Salt into your water will solve the problems. Try 1/4 teaspoon of
Sea Salt per liter of water. Drink them for a couple of weeks and things should get better. Your cellular osmosis is imbalanced since there are lack of cellular salts extracellular salts as opposed to intracellular. Remember that potassium chloride is an intracellular, and lack of extracellular salts, such as sodium chlorides (salt) causes the cells to bloat and hence, swollen ankles and knees.
Reducing potassium, you need to get a potassium antagonists which are zinc and magnesium."
Something about that edema in the legs you mentioned.. Um, I could see how milk would occlude just enough fluid movement to correct membrane permeability a little..
I guess I think of it as kind of a coagulant-factor additive..
Drat. This is one of those (many, many, sigh) times when I *really* wish I knew more.
Stay well, Darlin' :). You rock :). Thanks for all the learning you have brought to this forum.
Good Health to All of Us,
Ladylove :)