18 y
News Flash....
What if their goal is to keep us busy trying to find cures??? What if they are actually feeding us all of these antidotal remedies, and it is all of these antidotes that are keeping us sick???
I am really starting to believe that much of this holds very true, at least when I look around at the world. Look at Magic Johnson, who should be dead from AIDS by now. Do you think he's on a drug cocktail? Or are his cells strong enough to fight off the virus? How do all the movie stars stay so fit, you never here about any of them getting morgellons??? Don't you think that if there was a real threat to the wealthy and well-to-do circles that they would be looking into morgellons, lyme disease...Fact is, they have no fear of these illnesses because if the body is healthy and strong at the cellular level, then illness cannot strike!!!
I can tell you this, that since I have re-mineralized, perfected my diet regemin, cleaned my water and altered my thinking in line of positive energy flow I have had incredible results!!! Everyday I feel my body getting stronger and more resistant to illness. I see the improvements in my blood too, under darkfield microscopy.
Personally, I'm not sold on fasting. However, I do think the 1st step in healing is a balanced nutritious diet and mineral approach. I believe when the system is in balance that it can restore it's natural environment and the bacteria, viruses and
parasites will have no choice but to retreat!!!