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Absolutely correct!!!
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Absolutely correct!!!

Okay, so you are correct. I have read over and over that Black-Walnut hulls can be used as a tooth restorer!!!

Bulk Herbs: Black-Walnut hull - powder

Excerpts from Practical Herbalism

In recent times, Black-Walnut earned a great reputation as a vermifuge and anti-parasitical remedy, particularly for those affecting the intestinal tract. As a rich source of organic iodine, black walnut (the hulls in particular) also gained much popularity as nourishment for the thyroid, especially in the interior parts of the country where sea vegetables were hard to come by.

Primary Constituents:
The active principle of the whole walnut tree, as well as of the nuts is Nucin or Juglone. The kernels contain oil, mucilage, albumin, mineral matter, cellulose, and water. Iodine is present in all usable parts of the black walnut, but the highest concentration is in the outer hulls of the nuts. Black walnut is also a significant source of potassium, magnesium, manganese, sulfur, copper, and silica. The nut meats are a rich source of essential fatty acids.

Indicated Usages – Internal:

 Ballooned or relaxed colon  Constipation
 Diarrhea  parasites (intestinal worms)
 Sore throat, tonsillitis  Warts

Indicated Usages - External:

 Abscesses, boils  Acne
 Conjunctivitis, eye disorders  Nosebleed
 Leukorrhea, yeast infection, candida  Hemorrhoids
 Eczema, psoriasis, shingles  Ringworm (tinea)
 Sore throat, tonsillitis

Excerpts from Nutritional Herbology
Black walnut tones and helps heal inflamed tissues. It is also said to be effective in enhancing the elimination of various microbes from the bowel. Herbalists also recognize it as a thyroid stimulant since it is relatively rich in the trace mineral iodine. Black walnut has traditionally been used to treat hemorrhoids, intestinal worms, wounds and bruises.

Black walnut is typical of astringent plants. Its action is based on its tannin content. Tannins work topically to tone the body tissues they come in contact with. They function by precipitating free proteins which are generally present only in damaged and inflamed tissues. The term tannin comes from its use in tanning animal skins. This makes black walnut useful in treating inflammatory conditions of the bowel with special usefulness in treating hemorrhoids.

The tannins in black walnut are also thought to encourage the elimination of unwanted microbes in the colon. Herbalists believe that the acidic nature of tannins make life uncomfortable for the alkaline loving yeasts and microbes that can infect the bowel. Acid producing flora like lactobacillus acidophilus seems unaffected by the presence of tannins.

The content of Iodine in black walnut is greater than most herbs. I have not been able to find any printed history of its use as an Iodine supplement. Many herbalists report great success using black walnut to treat thyroid deficiency conditions.

Contains astringent compounds that shrink inflamed tissues of the digestive system. It also contains bitter compounds that are antifungal and decrease the secretion of fluids in the digestive system. Black Walnut has been used to treat hemorrhoids, inflammatory skin conditions, colitis, intestinal worms and parasites and fevers.

Excerpts from The How to Herb Book
Black Walnut is most commonly associated with killing and expelling parasites, internal and external. Black Walnut is also effective on the malaria parasite and on tapeworm.

·Used for Herpes and Impetigo. Paint sores with extract and take internally.
·High in organic potassium, iodine, and manganese.
·Muscle and nerve food; strengthens and builds tooth enamel, contains natural fluoride.
·Balances Sugar levels, regulates body fluids.
·Helps to burn up toxins which can then be carried out of the body by laxative herbs.
·Parts used – leaves, bark, and nut hulls.

Has been used in the following:

 Antiseptic  Athlete’s foot
 Boils  Cankers (extract)
 Cold sores (extract)  Dandruff
 Eczema  Herpes (extract)
 Impetigo  Malaria parasite
 Mouth sores  Poison ivy, oak
 Ringworm  Skin rash
 Sores, ulcerated  Tape worm
 Tooth enamel  Uterus, prolapsed
 Worms - parasites, expels

From Our Reading and/or Experience...

·Avoid internally during pregnancy.
·We use it in tincture combinations and capsules. Of course, it can be used in many other types internal and external remedies. Except as a tea, as powders are not normally used in tea combinations.
·Black Walnut can be used to benefit anyone: men, women (avoid internally during pregnancy), children and animals.
·It can be used as often as you would like, and in any way you choose.
·As is the case with most herbs, Black Walnut should be stored in a dark, dry, and cool place.

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