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Status: R [Message
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Re: Identify please
yeast is not the major problem. bowel ecology is screwed up because of the hell the parsites cause... i would work on the
parasites first.... yeast can be fixed once the
parasites are gone.
some suggestions:::
cool out on the cleanse?
take some charcoal, I buy it in a tub and take heaping teaspoons, some suggest that you take it several times during the day, it is a wonderful adsorbent it will pick up the garbage
you could look at liquid bentonite, it too is an absorbent but it will pull beneficial minerals out of the body, so take minerals
doing some antioxidants by the truckload will help tremendously. vitamin c is one of the best detoxers you will find... try some powdered like magnesium ascorbate or sodium ascorbate... watch for diareeha (bad spelling) this wouuld be sign that you are overdoing it. it try to take at least 10,000 mg or more... try some other antioxidants like alpha lipoic acid, pine bark, resveratrol, grape skin, etc.
I would be supplementing with copious amounts of b complex.... use country life's co enzymated b complex...
drink lots of water
use bulking fiber like psyllium or acacia, zand's makes a good fiber
support the adrenals with vitamin c, pantothenic acid, and bovine glandular (adrenal) complex.
use good sources of protein