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Re: Feeling pain after replacement - Did something go wrong?
daveh Views: 1,866
Published: 18 y
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Re: Feeling pain after replacement - Did something go wrong?

I had 12 fillings replaced 10 weeks ago. I had pain when chewing with my back teeth on the plane ride home. I yet avoided hard food. It usually does not hurt except if I chew on something hard like a bone or exposed some of the sensitive areas to frozen food. I have been eating soft foods. Was a bit worried about what sort of filling material was used, so far the fillings are fine. The resin dentist had to drill down towards the roots of some of my large molars to remove mercury as the previous Amalgam dentists had made huge cavities with the drill bit in order to pack in more amalgam. Returned to work four weeks ago after long term unemployment and continued to exercise and take nutritional supplements. I would not want my old Amalgams back. I agree with what some of the European nations have done in terms of eliminating the use of amalgam.


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