I had one of my last two mercury
Amalgams removed on Wednesday. I was originally set to have a holistic dentist do it, but when I called my regular dentist to request my x-rays, my dentist said he does it too. When I went down the list of all the precautions the holistic dentist takes, my dentist said he does all of them too, with the except of the ionizer, which he feels is "overkill."
I decided to go with my regular dentist. He has an immaculate office - state of the art - and he is, in my high standard, meticulous in general, so the trust was already there. Plus, it's 10 minutes away, instead of the hour and a half I would have to drive to the holistic dentist, putting me into childcare nightmareland and added stress.
I need to add that my dentist is not convinced of the toxicity of mercury (even though he admits that the ADA regulates that mercury now be discarded separately as hazardous waste). I was a little disturbed that he does not share the same opinion as I do, so I requested his e-mail address and sent him the famous smoking teeth video that the IAOMT puts out. He replied that he had never heard of the IAOMT and that he thought the video was "alarmist." He did, however, send the video to some friends at the ADA for their opinion. I told him I was less interested in his opinion of the toxicity of mercury than I was concerned that he be absolutely meticulous and thorough in his removal of the mercury in my mouth. He said he understood my point, and we left it at that.
I also want to add that I have not experienced any mercury toxicity symptoms since then, other than I did go to sleep at 7:30 that night because I was absolutely exhausted. I took 3 grams of activated charcoal just prior to the visit, and 3 grams immediately following. I decided to wait to start my chelating regimen until after the last tooth is done (next week).
Anyway, I digress. The point of this post is that I had the amalgram replaced, the tooth was isolated, rubber dam was used, etc., and I thought all went well. But since the novocaine wore off, I have had pain when bearing down on the tooth and, three days later, it has NOT gone away. Shouldn't the pain have gone away by now?? I called the office yesterday but they are closed on Fridays, and I can't really justify this as an emergency.
The pain is not awful but uncomfortable, and it is affecting my ability to chew. It's really upsetting!
What could be causing this?
Thanks in advance,