How much Iodine do you take a day? I'm wondering because I went off once before my thyroid meds, and right away lost hair and gained went back on it. But I've been off them now for over a week, with a month prior of cutting way back. I've had no hair loss, and in fact my hair is growing in healthier then ever. I have very short hair now, because I cut off the fake blonde (love blonde hair!) to get natural healthy hair. I only use my hand-made soap bars as shampoo for it, and use Braggs organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar for a rinse sometimes.
I drink the acv everyday also, and sometimes will place 2 C into my bath water to soak head to toe in it.
Maybe you need to up your Iodine intake? I say that because I lost hair when I went off the meds but have not this time because I'm taking Iodine and I take about 50-80 mgs. a day.