High on Water
This is interesting but needs a bit more explanation.
I started losing hair with the mega-dosing, but was definitely pushing the salt, big time. I personally believe the mercury that the
Iodine was releasing was being redeposited into my thyroid and causing my hair loss.
Continually painting my thyroid is "proving" myself right, to me - however I must continually paint said thyroid.
Having said this, the hair analysis and iridology (taken in late August) showed the results here recently:
salt/potassium levels must be in balance!
My salt was fine, BUT the potassium was low! That's where I'm wondering about the explanation of your post - it sounds like excellent advice, because the vinegar is high in POTASSIUM. Read the article again:
potassium is a "mineral-salt"
IOW, your advice is excellent, just needed a little clearer explanation???
The mineral-salt potassium, and natural vinegar's wonder products are what's necessary for good hair growth.
People need to read the articles and not necessarily take a person's interpretation of said article to be the gospel.
You misinterpreted a little on the article is all I'm saying. IOW, the vinegar is very important! - NOT JUST DOING SALT PUSHES OR FLUSHES!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH for the article!