Re: master clenase day 5 vomiting, help!
Hi sirensong...
I did my first Master Cleanse in September.
In June I started 'cleaning up' my diet. I've never been one to eat at fast foods but I was eating processed foods. I started eating all fresh, I can't say mostly raw but did incorporate many raw foods. Lot of fresh veggies and fruits. All organic. What meats that I ate were free range, no anitbiotics or growth hormones given. I think that this helped me in doing my cleanse. I did have some detox symptoms but not as many as I thought that I would experience. I'm not saying that this is the way that you should go but it may be something to think about...
Since I am still new to the cleanse I wouldn't feel right in advising you about how to break your fast after 5 days. Personally if it were me and I were breaking the fast on day 5, I would drink my orange juice today and start eating the home-made veggie soup tomorrow. But I'm sure that there are those who can advise you better.
I know that I've read that those who drink coffee have caffeine withdrawel headaches. Maybe some of your headaches could be caused from no coffee.
Hope that you start feeling better soon and don't give up. Clean up your diet a bit and try again. The first time I started I caved on the first day because of a horrid headache...I ate very light for a week and then started again and didn't have any problems except a slight headache the first two days...
Good luck on cleansing your body...