Sounds like you are doing what I plan to do someday, and kind of already do - work from wherever my laptop is on internet businesses and forums along with writing.
Being a natural obsessive-compulsive type, I can SO relate to the video thing. I remember when Nintendo came out and my son got Super Mario brothers and Kid Icarus. I stayed up all hours until I could no longer focus or had any feeling in my thumb and fingers, then fell asleep only to wake up and go back to the games until I won. Then Doom came out, and Command and Conquer - and all the great hacks. It was tons of fun blowing up Barneys, shooting chickens out of bazookas, and having a tent where you made new soldiers that exited one by one with a label "Brothel" on it. Pt boats became jet skis, 45 caliber bullets became nukes, and on and on. I fear that I have never grown up to this very day - lol.
I am still at the computer for hours and hours every day - but hopefully for the most part helping others and myself too. No time for computer games now, but I STILL miss those damn games!