Re: How I promoted this newsletter to my friends and family
Barefoot Herbalist Newsletter 09/30/2007
My teacher Barefoot Herbalist (I enrolled in his school) came up with a long article as a contribution to the newsletter.
This is a concise summary of some of his basic teachings. It is wonderful that he made such a long article as it introduces to people what else to look forward to learning from him aside from his free 108 pages and living well chapters freely available on his website.
For my friends and family who have failing health and aging symptoms, if you want to get well, be CURED of ANY disease: fast, cheap, most effective, plus you live in the USA and have no patience doing lots of research, then stick with Barefoot Herbalist’s teachings.
Barefoot Herbalist’s Website
Barefoot Herbalist’s Forum on Curezone, ask your questions and be answered by the man himself!
Barefoot Herbalist’s Online Store for Herbs
Barefoot Herbalist’s School front page.
Enroll at Barefoot Herbalist’s School.
Now on to the September 30, 2007 newsletter. Enjoy. Bookmark. Print.
Read the BAREFOOT NEWSLETTER 09/30/2007 »