Re: 5 drop/5 day LadyLove's Mesentery painting experiment day 5 + Observations
Hi LN :),
Thank you for your continued reports on the Mesentery Painting. You are the perfect Research Reporter! (I knew to expect that from you :)).
This is about the 4th time I have started a reply to your post.
No zits! That is *so* cool:)! I thought and hoped this would happen!
I have been a bizzy little bee with the Mesentery Painting FAQ, hopefully it won't take too much longer..
LN, there are very real ongoing Mental/Intuitional effects of this as time has moved forward.
I am pretty much staying at 5 vertical drops.
I have continued expanding the
Iodine document I mentioned before. There is a whole picture coming very clear and detailed about what
Iodine does and how it works and what to expect- This is *so* good! It's almost like I can "ask the picture, and watch the response". I see what produces skin eruptions, burning, etc., and how to facilitate clearing it/them. The document, as well as my experiences, is/are moving very fast, there's no time to do anything but keep writing.. I hope you will continue to report what occurs with you, too.
A very deep and consistent mentally clear state, a peace of mind, a solid access to the intuition, these things have all become my normal daily state.
I am a little sequestered from outside contact, because I want to focus on this.
Nasal congestion is almost nonpresent now, and my airways are usually quite clear compared to how they were before I started painting. Eye "crusties" in the morning and during the day have abated mostly, and there is an ongoing "oily" proliferation now without much solid material at all.
Thanks, LN :).
Good Health to All of Us,
Ladylove :)