yes i quite agree, i suspect that the people on this forum are just the tip of the iceburg and that alot out there are on all sorts of other drugs for conditions that they don't really have in a normal way, but that are simply side effects to the mirena. quite frightening really, especially as those drugs can cause further side effects...slippery slope! When i had to see a top neurologist for the mirena induced migraines and numbness etc, he said that it was "absolute rubbish" that mirena could cause any of it!! I had printed out the official side effects from the mirena website and the netdoctor one which also lists migraines and headaches as a side effect - the pompous idiot would not even look at the papers and waved his hand as if waving away the papers and just laughed at the stupid little woman sitting in front of him - i am not a violent person but i really wanted to hit him lol...would be good if Oprah or someone like that did some sort of expose on this to really get the message across to the larger proportion of the general public! Take care mate:) x