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Re: Which one's the Christian?
been there done that Views: 1,977
Published: 18 y
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Re: Which one's the Christian?

The original poster asked a question, beenthere30. Why are you so quick to criticize (or were you saying that the the initial poster should not ask the question?) me?.

Always feel free to be more specific instead of make safe, blank, and mysterious statements (or would that be too revealing?).

What have you to add to the conversation, beenthere30?

Let's face it, in life, many things have to be judged (decisions using "better judgement",...called DISCERNMENT). Don't ignore common sense. The Lord is not a book, He is GOD.

The Lord says that if we must judge, JUDGE RIGHTLY, not unjustly or as busybodies in other people's business without invitation (21676 asked a question, that is common in forums, catch on).

Why is it that you are defensive about Christian beliefs? they bother your conscience? or do they offend your own because they make sense?

Either which way, do you accuse me of JUDGING someone as though they should be given a penalty (that's the BAD part of judging, many people do that, that's why you think of judging as BAD...REALITY CHECK) and what they deserve?



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