That was a good read - It made me wonder if the breatharians are correct! Maybe you CAN live on air and light eventually - if you work up to it - but I have to admit that I think I would freak if I found myself heading down towards 84 lbs. I would be scary to look at at that weight. skin and bones. I think I would look like a concentration camp victim. I wonder how tall she is? My neice is less than 5 feet tall so it would not look too bad on her.
I have seen anorexic women and it is frightening to see. But who am I to judge... maybe if it were the norm it would not seem so weird. The healthiest LOOKING people I have known were vegetarians who ate a variety of good organic foods - they are always thin but they don't usually appear as emaciated as some one would at 84 lbs. And their eyes are clear and almost liquid looking and their skin is beautiful. They seem quite energetic as well.
One thing I have noticed since I have been paring down on my food is that my grocery bills are a whole lot lower! That is a good thing.