Re: the end of my first day
Yep, Heidijo, it sounds like you are zipping right along.
It has been so long since I've fasted that reading your post really makes me miss that point that you are at. Just a touch exhilaring, isn't it?
Americans, even Christians here, just do not fast very much, if ever, even though it is mentioned throughout the Bible. We act like we will drop DEAD if we miss a meal!
It is so amusing.
Tell me lemon CONCENTRATE OK for this thing? (I have NEVER heard of this and I've been fasting for 20 yrs but then didn't know about THIS WONDERFUL BOARD....thank God for the Internet, and how.)
Stay in touch because it really helps encourage others when, for instance, you felt like quitting but pushed on through to the other side.
Cheers and best to your health. :O)