Re: One More PH/ pickling lime question
>- did you feel better after being on the drink for a period of time?
Yes. My blood pressure has dropped by 10-20 points systolic and 15 to 25 points diastolic. This is not entirely due to the alkalyzing though. Better quality fish oil, SODzyme, melatonin, and dhea all help as does eating more fresh raw fruits and veges.
>- your body will pull minerals from bones, etc
This is very true and probably the main cause of increased osteoporosis in recent years.
>- how urine and saliva PH reflect the blood PH,
It is natural for the saliva to be alkaline. If it is not, this is a serious indication. As for urine, it can vary throughout the day. During the night, when sleeping, the body attempts to recover and recondition itself. The early morning urine is a reflection of that effort If it is acid, it is an indication that the body is struggling with an acid overload and is not fully able to buffer itself.
>- testing your PH, you might be more acid at first for that same reason - acid dumping.
Possibly, but this should not last for but a couple of days.