Thanks, hopinso. Very helpful. Congested liver and constant spasms under rt ribcage for so many years is making me rather grumpy as of late!! Perseverence in looking up everything here is the answer and courage, too! Not offended, just hoping something will work soon. Visited julie Chen's site today, talked to her on phone and ordered her herbal pkg to go along with the grapefruit and olive oil. She was great, too. I think she will coach on the phone when doing her program.
So much for the grumpy newbie! Hope to start this flush in a few days and see what happens with the biliary colic and pain under my rt. ribcage. Does anyone here know if most follow Dr. Hulda Clark 's routine, or is the flush a personal preference of trial and error? Most of these flushes from different herbalists follow along with the same herbals. Thanks