18 y
Re: Day 10 WF
Oh I so hope the thought of unnatural food becomes abhorrent to me. My desire for this WF was spiritual and healing , but also to detox and once and for all begin the full time commitment to healthy and healing foods . I don't want to put anything unnatural in me or on me anymore. Unfortunately, the lure of the man- made products still drawns me in, but the key is not to surrender.
Are foods like olives or pickles considered a bad food since they are soaked in those solutions?
I really hope I can give up all bread, sugar, refined products etc.
Maybe I will get my miracle I am hoping for ...
Thanks for your thoughts Chrisb1
PS I just said your name outloud as I was typing and it sounded like "crispy one". I laughed because I have said "crispy one " when referring to fried filet I served in the past.... My mind is still on food haha.. Hope that goes away too.