18 y
Fake acupuncture works just as well as real acupuncture
Buried in that post is the fact that fake acupuncture works
just about as well as the real acupuncture. (47.6% in the real acupuncture
group, 44.2% in the fake group - as opposed to 27.4% for conventional
therapy.) This means that the placebo effect is more effective than
conventional therapy and also implies that "real"
acupuncture may be just that, the placebo effect. The mind heals.
The study raises many more questions about acupuncture than it answers. It
also promotes therapies that stimulate the placebo effect (the mind) in healing.
Study: Fake acupuncture helps ease low-back pain
The Associated Press
CHICAGO — Fake acupuncture works nearly as well as the real thing for
low-back pain, and either kind performs much better than usual care, German
researchers have found.
Almost half the patients treated with acupuncture needles felt relief that
lasted months. In contrast, only about a quarter of the patients receiving
medications and other Western medical treatments felt better.
Even fake acupuncture worked better than conventional care, leading
researchers to wonder whether pain relief came from the body's reactions to any
thin needle pricks or, possibly, the placebo effect.
rest of the story at: