heart palpitations after liver cleanse
I recently did my 4th liver cleanse this year. None of them have produced any stones to speak of. I have noticed, however, that I'll often have stools that float in the weeks following. Anyway, after this last flush, I've had heart palpitations, skipped beats, unusually aware of my heartbeat, feels like it's beating lower down in my chest, etc. Could this flush have stirred things up? And does this show that toxins were somehow kept from being flushed out of the body all the way? Perhaps I need to work more on colon cleansing?
I did the Julia Chang protocol- 2 days of apple juice, then olive oil and grapefruit juice, Chinese Bitters...next morning, salt water.
Three days later I did a coffee enema. That was productive! Got lots of floating feces. It's possible the fluttery heart didn't start til then, I don't remember for sure. But I'm still having the palpitations, two weeks since the flush. Anyone have experience with this or an explanation?