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Re: Intrinsic Teeth Staining
boldyloxx Views: 3,001
Published: 18 y
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Re: Intrinsic Teeth Staining

I had yellow -with brown stains- teeth all during my 20's and 30's. It has only been in my 40's that my teeth have finally become very white. I stopped using flouride toothpaste and flouride water to rinse my teeth. I only use non-flouride toothpastes from the Healthfood store. My favorite completely non-toxic type is Waleda Salt toothpaste. Then there is Peelu toothpaste and Peelu dental gum you can chew during the day that made a difference for me.

Then there is an Aruyvedic brand you can get that has essential oils and various herbs.

Xylotol mouthwash is my replacement mouthrinse instead of over the counter chemical , artificially colored mouthwashes.

I don't know if a hydrogen peroxide rinse (mixed with some water- then swished in the mouth before bed) will help in the result of Antibiotic staining, but it is also worth a try.

I have a feeling that your tooth staining can be reversed -- I never beleive anything is hopeless. Actually, while I type this , I just had the thought that maybe you should help the regeneration by increasing your supplements of natural -plant based minerals like Magnesium, Selenium, Silica , Calcium, etc. Minerals have been known to re-mineralize the teeth- even reversing cavities. Barefoot Herbalist sold some home-grown/home made mineral powder you could mix with water and let set overnight on your teeth. It may have a therapuetic effect on your teeth enamel.

You can ask him if he can sell you some over at the Barefoot Herbalist forum-- If you call him, he may be able to send you some. I know he was selling it for a while.

Hang in there!



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