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Your gallbladder holds bile with biliary sludge, not necessary with stones
White Shark Views: 4,304
Published: 17 y
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Your gallbladder holds bile with biliary sludge, not necessary with stones

The gallbladder doesn't hold all those stones inside!

Your gallbladder holds liquid bile, and in case of some people ... also biliary sludge (small crystallized particles of bile), and in case of some people also gallstones.

Once huge amount of bile hits the small intestine ... bile congeals ( most likely in contact with digestive juices from stomach) , and you have those stones inside your intestines, possibly mixed together with real Gallstones and biliary sludge in case of some people, those who had them there in the first place.

As stones are formed from bile ... they are cholesterol based ... just like real gallstones... except they may not have the crystalline structure of some cholesterol gallstones.

Bile is composed of cholesterol acids. Main component of bile is cholesterol.

Those stones can contain particles of biliary sludge, also can sometimes be real Gallstones ... but just the fact that some stones are real Gallstones doesn't make it a fact that all stones are real gallstones.

So, what you got is most likely a mixture of bile and, in case you have had biliary sludge, then stones will also contain biliary sludge.

How do you know if your stones contain biliary sludge? It may be visible in stones as a different color, or it may give off extremely foul odor.

It is time to end deception ... and to accept that not all stones are coming from gallbladder or biliary tree (bile ducts). Some were liquid bile .... that congealed inside intestines.

White Shark


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