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Re: Coconuts and nut job regulators
MH 108 Views: 2,236
Published: 20 y
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Re: Coconuts and nut job regulators

The FDA is nothing more than the Union for the MD and the President is just a ceo of the Medical Empire and they are all Mason controlled with lots of $$$$$$$$ from the UN and the WHO. It is the WHO that wants you under control. Their goal is to have every human drink flouride water. This seems impossible, but now years later, they are running city water many, many miles out into the country and making it ilegal to have wells. Flouride worked so well in poland for Hitler that the entire world governments have sprayed us, watered us and fed us flouride in an effort to keep the age down.

I swear humans are tuff to kill. I firmly believe 99+% only die because of drugs!

In my first school book, the MD tells of s study of Natives that lived to age 250 and then only died because they commit suicide. I now believe this happened because these people were not poisoned with inorganic metals and they couldn't die a natural death easily. The body is designed to last forever, not 1,000 years, but forever! Long before the Adam and Eve slpit of the human race, there are stories recorded upon stone that tell stories of humans living 30,000+ years and there are yet today skellatons of humans that were 42 feet tall. Now isn't that some information the modern scientist does not want people to know about!

Today we struggle to live to be 80 and you had better be able to live on your own by age 80 or become a victom of the drug pushers. I have had so many horrible experiences with home healthcare nurses and Hospital MDs, that I swear I wouldn't allow one of them to work on a sick stray cat.

We must grow our own food and probably the best way is to sprout grass and seeds with an automatic spraying system and a plastic large box. This way you can raise an enormous amount of good food for pennies, naturally you have to break the food habits of flour and sugar before you would love to eat grass.



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