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Coconuts and nut job regulators
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Coconuts and nut job regulators

I subscribe to Peter Ragnar's newsletter ( and he had this article about organic cocnuts from Hawaii that I found very distressing. The suicide cult is trying to take us all down with them.


A few years ago, I engaged in a quest to find raw foods that would help me keep my body weight up. One ideal food that I found was raw organic coconut milk; those baby white coconuts yield the most delicious and nutrient-laden milk you can imagine. After buying some coconuts from the health food store, I thought I’d like to buy them in bulk, straight from the organic grower in Hawaii. I was shocked at what I was told! “All coconuts shipped to the mainland U.S. must by law be irradiated.”

Did you know that the radioactive isotope called cesium-137 has an active shelf life of up to 600 years? When the gamma rays pulverize the molecular arrangement of the food cells, free radicals are created. This dangerous cascade continues as the interaction between the free radicals and the food produces what are called “radiolytic products.” These create deadly, toxic chemicals in your food, such as formaldehyde, benzene, and many others.

You don’t have to be an alcoholic to look like one; simply eating enough irradiated food should give your skin that wrinkled, leathery look. Remember, they use formaldehyde to tan leather. Need Tums for the tummy? Just keep eating that glow-in-the-dark food so those pharmaceutical companies can sell more drugs.

Why do I say that? Because irradiated food has no enzymes, which are vital for proper digestion. Oh, yes, you can forget about up to 80% of your vitamins, too! One study done on rats who received irradiated food showed a strong increase in testicular tumors. Well, the good news is, we won’t have to worry as much about a population explosion in the industrialized world.


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