totally unexpected. the sign of a good response. o.k., alkinized or die. i suspected that was an, or the, issue. i also suspect that's why i have fibrocystic breasts. i'm a (whole-) grain addict — could live on whole wheat or buckwheat grouts or brown rice cakes — and i know that's totally acidic. i've gone thru long periods of pretty much doing that — plus a green salad and a bunch of plain yogurt or cottage cheese (again, total acid-forming). so, big surprise, the bones are 40% gone.
do you believe, barefoot herbalist, that the condition can be reversed? i mean, if grain addiction can — say by rooting out the emotional causes behind it — be corrected, could the bones begin to rebuild? would the o.j. fast restore bone material — if one prepared properly for it (by getting bowels flowing, parasites eliminated, liver and gallstones out, and kidney cleanse finished)?