Just be careful. There's something I've been hearing about lately called Oxygen toxicity. I don't know whether it's a big farma scare or a legitimate danger. search it on youtube.
I, for one, would be very disappointed to see this be your final post or even final word on the subject of oxygen therapy.
To me, oxygen is a key in beating cancer. First of all, besides cancer fighting items which can be supplied by supplements such as oleander and by the the body itself by boosting the immune system, cancerous masses can be stabliized and even eliminated by restoring proper oxidation and cellular communication. That is the primary reason why the Budwig Diet works so well - it restores proper cellular function and oxidation so that cancer cells revert to the normal cycle of programmed cell death via apoptosis or autophagy and ultimately die off.
The key to beating cancer completely and keeping it at bay is to get to the root cause of the cancer and correct it, along with boosting the body's natural first line of defense - the immune system. Once again, oxygen is important because elimating the root cause of cancer insures that healthy cells maintain proper oxidation, and proper oxygen levels in both the cell and the rest of the body are keys to maintaining healthy cells, healthy bodies and healthy immune systems.
Of course, there are other keys as well - eliminating stress, healthy and complete nutrition, paying special attention to maintaining a healthy liver and properly functioning bile system, etc.
Oxygen is indeed the stuff of life. Thanks for your contributions - and I hope they continue. I bet some other meatheads do too.
Cultivate a healthy immune system to create your best defense against tissue damage caused by parasites. More than 100 different parasite species can live in the human body; when parasites go undetected in your body, they can cause severe damage to cells and tissue. Prevent parasite-induced tissue damage by reducing the risk of parasite infections.
1.Avoid parasite infection with simple techniques such as washing fruit and cooking your meat thoroughly, and practice them routinely in daily life.
Using a knife, scrap off the wax substance on any fruits or vegetables before washing. Cut out any areas with nicks or splits---prime areas for parasites to locate. Do not eat grapes with splits. Wash fruits and vegetables in hydrogen peroxide by adding one teaspoon per gallon of water to kill any parasites. Rinse well to remove any residue from the fruit or vegetable.
2.Spray meat with the above hydrogen peroxide mixture before cooking. Cook meat and fish to meet FDA safety temperature recommendations. Use a thermometer to ensure the accuracy of the meat's internal temperature.
Drink purified water to ensure your water is free of parasites.
3.Bathe frequently. Wash your hands before eating, and after going to the bathroom, changing diapers or handling pets. Keep your fingernails clean and groomed.
Live clean. Dust often, as household grime can contain human skin, fecal material from dust mites and cockroaches, and soil particles.
4.Keep shoes on while walking on warm, moist soil.
Avoid swimming in public swimming pools, rivers, ponds and lakes. Do not swallow or drink the water, and do not swim with open cuts or sores.
5.Deworm pets every three months.
When traveling to developing countries, drink and brush your teeth with bottled water and avoid fruits and vegetables, street vendor food and unpasteurized dairy products.
A question re ozone and its effect on prostatitis and BPH. What is the best way to administer to get the ozone to penetrate the prostate. I have an ozone generator and an oxygen generator. Would cupping over the pubic bone area do it or rectal insufusion?
Rectal insufflation is the best choice using oxygen as the starter gas and running a very low concentration and a flow rate of around 1/10 liter per minute. The first few treatments will cause a lot of bloating, but this should subside after 3 treatments or so.
I have heard sitting on the ozone tube whilst in a sauna is good. However, daily saunas is a bit tiring.
You don't need a sauna to do insufflation.
Also should ozone be able to kill bacteria/virus/mycoplasmas?
what would be the best way to supplement ozone?
If just doing it for general health I would probably go with ozonating cold water then drinking it immediately on an empty stomach. Use the white plastic aquarium diffusers, not the stone diffusers. How long you will ozonate the water will depend on the strength of the machine, the starter gas, the bubble size (the plastic diffusers increase the saturation rate), the temperature of the water and the volume of the water. On average though a glass of cold water should saturate with the ozone in about 10-15 minutes.
For head/eye problems you can do ear insufflation.
I ordered a $40 water/oil ozone generator. I have no idea what it is or if its any good.
Do other acids get into the water and is that OK to drink?
I ordered a $40 water/oil ozone generator. I have no idea what it is or if its any good.
Do other acids get into the water and is that OK to drink?
For $40 it is going to be a hot corona system. So it will generate nitrogen and sulfur acids from the air. The small amount being generated by a weak unit like that is not going to be an issue.
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