Posted Jan 22, 2025
by Martin Armstrong
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Donald Trump has stayed true to his word and withdrew America from the World Health Organization (WHO). Trump attempted to withdraw in 2020 but to do so requires one year of advance notice, and Biden revoked Trump’s actions when he took office six months later. Not only has this utterly needless globalist entity drained massive resources from the United States, but those in charge are attempting to implement worldwide regulations on all members.
The United States of America, the supposed leader of the free world, should never cave to a globalist entity forcefully pushing members into a One World Government. The WHO is closely partnered with the United Nations, but usurps power under the guise of public health. The members of the organization are unelected, and yet, they have proposed countless measures that dictate how the people of the world should live such as global taxation. So unelected members within the WHO could have issued an order to protect public health and override our own elected officials. “I will not allow public health to be used as a pretext to advance the march of global government,” Trump stated during his campaign.
The United States was also expected to act as the WHO’s primary financier. Between 2022 and 2023, America paid 15.6% of the WHO’s entire revenue, amounting to $1.284 billion. In contrast, the US contributed just $105 million in 2020 under Trump during the pandemic.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation personally finances the World Health Organization more than individual nations. Over 88% of the organization’s philanthropist donations come directly from Bill Gates and his charity, which he uses to orchestrate events under the premise of health that give him more power than any man should have.
“He is treated liked a head of state, not only at the WHO, but also at the G20,” a Geneva-based NGO representative said of Bill Gates. POLITICO attempted to write an article about Gates’ influence on the WHO but no one would openly criticize him without the protection of anonymity. Thirty health advocacy groups wrote to the WHO’s board of executives a few years ago to protest the power Gates has over the organization, saying that his donations were a Trojan horse for personal interests. “I don’t think they have any bad intentions. They are just such a big player that as immediately as they put money down they can disrupt things,” another Geneva-based diplomat commented to POLITICO.
Clearly Bill Gates made a nice return on his investment into the WHO during the pandemic and the aftermath. What has the United States gained for the billions funneled into the WHO? NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. It is finally time for the United States to curtail reckless spending, beginning with a useless organization that undermines democracy.
Posted Jan 23, 2025
by Martin Armstrong|
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FORMER President Joe Biden spent his first day eliminating America’s energy independence, while current President Donald Trump did the precise opposite. Donald Trump immediately declared a national energy emergency, stating a “precariously inadequate and intermittent energy supply, and an increasingly unreliable grid” threatens national security.
America is finally leaving the Paris Climate Agreement by executive order. Nothing has hurt the energy sector more than the climate change agenda. America was burdened by the globalist demand to eradicate fossil fuels and achieve net-zero greenhouse emissions by 2050. The sheer amount of money that has gone into this effort is astounding. Climate zealots want those in adherence to pay $5 TRILLION annually. The World Bank, the leader in climate finance, controls 52% of the total flow from all multilateral banks combined. Yet, they cannot account for $41 billion in funding, and no one can say where the money went.
Domestically, the Inflation Reduction Act was America’s largest spending package in history. Biden, Yellen, and others all admitted that the core premise of the failed act was to combat climate change, but instead, they created a more inflationary environment, and nature remains unchanged. Climate change is not unlike the pandemic. It is merely a way to give unelected officials control over numerous nations, as the former WHO director explains in the video above.
The push for electric vehicles has been a massive failure and the auto industry has experienced a massive downturn. Trump reversed Biden’s plan for half of new cars on the road to be EVs. The grid does not need to be electric. The infrastructure does not exist and it is wasteful to focus on something so irrelevant when America is drowning in debt.
We heard the somewhat comical “drill baby, drill” comments from Trump throughout his campaign. Trump reversed Biden’s ban on gas and oil drilling projects that he implemented at the eleventh hour of his presidency. New drilling permits will be issued, especially in Alaska, where there are plans to expedite those permits. Permits for wind energy have been temporarily suspended.
The energy crisis was easier to create than it will be to repair. Removing the blocks the Paris Climate Change Agreement created is a massive step in the right direction. Perhaps the Keystone XL project could be a bargaining tool in the future as Trump has certainly started off on the wrong foot with Canada. It is largely expected that these measures will be met with pushback and litigation from the left. The good news is that America can be an energy-independent nation again.
Posted Jan 23, 2025
by Martin Armstrong
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This is going to be really interesting. The question will be straightforward. Will the CIA actually release the assassination files of JFK, RFK, and Martin Luther King? I knew Trump would make that order. The CIA was supposed to release them and asked him for an extension until AFTER the 2020 election, using COVID-19 as the excuse. They KNEW Trump would be driven out of office. He granted that extension, and then Biden granted withholding them.
Both JFK and even Richard Nixon wanted to shut down the CIA because they had become the deep state. I reported before that I had bumped into Nixon on the beach in NJ after he left office. I was stunned that the Secret Service did not surround him. I discovered that Richard Nixon declined Secret Service protection when researching that encounter. There was a tape where he had told the head of the CIA that he knew who killed JFK. I believe the CIA framed Nixon to have him removed from office. The guys that got caught in the Watergate break-in were ex-CIA.
I will be stunned if they actually release the complete files and some plane doesn’t crash into the storage room as was the case with 911 and the promised investigation into all the missing money from the Pentagon. The plane that hit the Pentagon hit precisely that storage room, so no investigation ever took place. That was one reason people were speculating if the plane was not being remotely steered precisely into that target; that will always remain a conspiracy theory that cannot be proven one way or the other. It was very convenient, to say the least.
Posted Jan 23, 2025
by Martin Armstrong
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President Trump Signs Executive Order To Ban Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). As I have been warning and appeared in the movie CBDC, the End of Money, that it would have been unconstitutional for the Federal Reserve to create a CBDC, and my sources had confirmed that the Fed would not make a CBDC. This is important that chalks one up for the people – retaining our freedom.
This means that there will be no digital dollar and the end of Kaus Schwab’s dream of you will own nothing and be happy. A CBDC was to be programmable where the government would decide what you could buy or sell.
Here is Christine Lagarde on digital currency. She states this object is to “control” everything you do. Europe is a Marxist Paradise. As of January 1st, passports are no longer important, they want everything digitally so they can track your every movement.
The Washington Post can’t seem to find a single executive order that was remotely positive. Bezos should shut down the Washington Post; it has become just a mouthpiece for Marxists and NECONS, and it seems to be constantly against the people. They no longer seem to care about reporting events fairly or unbiasedly.
It was Politico that ran that headline: 51 intelligence agents, or former intelligence agents, say that the Hunter Biden laptop was disinformation. It has come out that they KNEW the laptop was real and that it was NOT some Russian propaganda. They said the word came from up high to lie to the people.
These journalists are not protected by the First Amendment any more than someone yelling fire in a movie theater for fun, which leads to a stampede and people dying. They should be prosecuted for intentional election interference, for this is the ONLY way to clean up the Fake News. These people are destroying our country, taking us into World War III, and wiping out Western Civilization. It is time for the Trump Administration to start prosecuting these fake journalists.
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