I was breast feed for two years. but I still don't have a immune system for some reason!
I wonder how many people whom suffer from intestinal problems like candida & dysbiosis were breast fed for atleast 6 months as a child?
is there any substantial evidence for those whom were not breast fed for a long period of time suffer from more intestinal and allergy related illnesses?
like to know how many ppl on here were breastfed and for how long.
I have posted a few times on the benefits of breast feeding. This includes the benefits to gut health:
The information may be good, but you should be aware that "Doctor" Gary Nunn is a doctor only by virtue of a mail order diploma and has no formal training in medicine or natural health. None of which invalidates his information, but it does provide reason to examine it thoroughly and cautiously imho.
I said nothing to the effect that Gary Null was wrong. I merely said that people should be aware that he is not a traditional PhD, having gotten two of his diplomas from non-traditional correspondence type schools that some consider to be diploma mills.
I like Nunn and have one of his books that I have found very useful - but I also realize that he is quite the self-promoter and hawks his books and products with the best of them.
Regarding the HIV-AIDS question, I will point out that it was I who posted a rather compelling and though provoking video here at CureZone in the Conspiracy Forum and also linked to it in the AIDS support forum:
No fair cheating - you gotta watch the videos.
(They both say that the whole HIV - AIDS link is a myth)
I have CMT, and that webiste is not available. How do I get a hold of Donna? Please help!!
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