When I was 12 years old my mother was diagnosed with cancer. Doctors told us they had detected it early and that early treatment with surgery and radiotherapy would maximize her chances of survival, so we rushed her in for treatment and expected a steady recovery.
Six months later, we received news that the cancer had spread to her liver, and after several rounds of chemotherapy and more radiation, her body had had enough. Instead of my father witnessing the triumphant return of his wife and my sister and I getting our mother back, we watched her suffer a painful and agonizing death.
I made a promise to her in my heart that I would find the cause and cure for cancer and share it with the world so that no child would have to go through what my sister and I did, ever again. This book is my promise…
Backed by over 2300 scientific and clinical studies, Cancer Cured takes you on an in-depth scientific investigation of orthodox cancer treatments and the cancer establishment. Next, a theory of carcinogenesis is presented and explorations into three alternative cancer medicines are conducted to put the theory to the test. The final chapter seeks to do the impossible and unravel the mysteries of a disease which continues to perplex even the greatest scientific minds of today.
Here's the introduction chapter for a preview:
IT’S BEEN NEARLY 50 years since the War on Cancer was declared, and yet more people are diagnosed with cancer and dying from the disease than ever before.(1)
I find it extraordinarily difficult to believe that after spending $500 billion dollars on cancer research since 1970,(2) the cancer establishment has come up with literally nothing useful for preventing or curing the disease. If it’s true, then they are incompetent and their astonishing lack of advancement is undoubtedly the most spectacular failure in human history. But if cures or effective treatments have been systematically suppressed from the public, then their actions are criminal in nature and blood from over 530 million people(3) could be on their hands. Whatever the case may be, I intend to make it clear.
Up until this point on humankind’s pursuit to end cancer, our primary mistake has been entrusting the same people who profit from treating cancer to provide us with a cure. I haven’t spoken to anyone who didn’t understand this concept - there is no money in a cure. Why would an industry that generates over $125 billion dollars a year(4) put itself out of business? It wouldn’t.
So who then do we look to for answers?
In 1947, the young American physicist Ernest Sternglass wrote a letter to Albert Einstein telling him about the work he had been doing to reduce radiation doses during X-ray fluoroscopy. To his surprise, Einstein showed great interest in his work and invited the 23-year-old to meet with him at Princeton University, where they talked for 5 hours. “And that had an enormous effect on my life. Because among other things, he encouraged me to pursue my theory and I finally got it all published,” recalls Sternglass.(5)
At the end of their conversation, Einstein issued a very important warning: “Don’t go back into academia,” he said. “They will kill every bit of originality out of you. In order to become a full professor, you have to get approved on every level and you cannot question the existing ideas too much or else you won’t get promoted… have a shoemaker’s job for the rest of your life, so that you can do something useful for humanity.”
My purpose in writing this book is to explore the possibility that, hidden among the vast amounts of information drifting aimlessly through cyberspace, a cure for cancer has already been found. And while a doctor might fear losing his medical license or job for completing such work, a layperson with no medical background like myself can fearlessly make a controversial conclusion when the evidence warrants one. This pure and unobstructed curiosity combined with discipline and an intention to simplify complex information will render a final product on the cutting edge of science that can be understood by those who need it.
The American Cancer Society estimates that almost half of everybody alive today will develop cancer at some point in their lives,(6) and the World Health Organization predicts a 50% rise in cancer diagnosis’ by the year 2020.(7)
Unless we figure out what is fuelling this explosion of cancer rates and alter our course, a time will soon come when nobody escapes the ravages of this disease. The future of human civilization is at stake and only one thing is certain - if the answers are out there, they will be found.
Available on Amazon and EndAllDisease
Parasites, "delusional parasitosis", mis-diagnosis, worms, flukes, morgellons, medical community
For the thousands of people who were told by their doctors that there is nothing "physical" wrong with you - you only THINK you have parasites, and are suffering from "delusional parasitosis", have faith in yourselves to find a cure.
There ARE solutions and remedies out there, even if their doctor(s) don't acknowledge it, miss the diagnosis, act dismissive, and/or are condescending to you.
My own experience has led me to discover that I was absolutely correct (of course;) in identifying I had a parasite problem (HOW COULD I IGNORE WHAT I AND OTHERS CLOSE TO ME "SAW" EVERY DAY in pustule breakouts, channels, crusting, scarring, etc?!), but incorrectly focused on just the most obvious symptoms (skin parasites) and assumed it was a mite infestation (or ONLY a mite infestation), when it was actually internally based, with ground zero being my GI tract. When I applied or dosed the usual meds (Permethrin, Benzyl Bezoate, Sulfer exilers, Ivermectin, etc etc etc), it would knock it down (dead giveaway it was parasitic). But it would soon (2-3 days) crank back up and once it reaches crusted phase, it is very hard to knock down. I was diagnosed by the only doctor (dermatoligist) who bothered to do scrapings, with excessive demodex population - she treated best she could but recommended seeing an ID physician - i moved before that could happen and in endless cycle of going to dermatologists in new city who won't recommend an ID doctor!
I wish I had connected the GI issue earlier rather than waste time and money on Dermatologists (and subject myself to degrading innappropriate comments in two cases). My dog first contracted everything I got later - I connected that his mange like issues were very similar to my skin issues - I just didn't connect the possibility that his worm infestation could also be my problem.
But hey, we go to doctors and RELY upon their professional advise with the confidence they have the skill and aptitude to figure all this out and how to cure it. It's not something we SHOULD have resolve ourselves. I DID tell them about my dog and how he contracted mange and worms and later I had mite like symptoms (obvious ones not self inflicted or imagined). I brought in microscopic photos slides and samples - all completely disregarded and dismissed!
Doctors and allied health treatment/care givers, here is my message to you: GIVE SOME CREDIBILITY TO PATIENTS FOR KNOWING THEIR BODIES AND WHEN SOMETHING IS "NOT RIGHT"! Ask questions, and listen and respect patients thoughts. Get your butts into some research time on parasitic infections, think outside the box when necessary, and focus on finding effective treatments. USE COMMON SENSE IN ORDERING LAB TESTS, and if tests are producing a "negative" results, find another lab who does more intricate testing. Use NIH studies, CUREZONE and other online forums as "ancillary" or "incidental" research...LOOK at the shear volume of people affected and ask yourself if it is logical to assume most are delusional, or is this something that indicates we have a problem.
You are smart enough to graduate from medical school, get through your residency, and start with or startup/buy your practice, so you are most definitely smart enough to find solutions to the problems posted throughout the CUREZONE and other forums, that is more frequently than ever documented in other countries outside the USA and Europe, and has been discussed MUCH more frequently over the past 5 years inside the medical and related community, with a significant and noteable increase in parasite sufferers asking for help...the odds that even 20% are "delusional" are greater than the odds of picking the lotto numbers correctly.
There IS a problem going on, it is getting rapidly worse, and it's very likely to continue worsen. Just because the CDC doesn't weight its significance, does not mean it is not a significant problem - they rely upon physicians like YOUSELF to report such. Can you with good conscience, ignore or pass over this issue and send patients away?
Don't blame us if we go out and seek a cure elsewhere if you dismiss us! IF you were in our shoes, you would do exactly the same thing - 100% certainty on that!
Your "15 minute per patient" time window is not always enough time - please ask more in depth questions, listen to patients, and "think"!
In my case, the best professional support I got was from a good scientific microscope. A HIGHLY recommended purchase before you throw away cash on endless "possible" treatments.
The best (actually ONLY) treatment ideas I got was from forums like CureZone (NIH posts some good studies too).
Once I started trusting what I "saw" (using the microscope), trusting myself (never been a problem), and went looking inside (missed that one for two years), the difference in treatment and recovery has been amazing.
Read my other posts amd see my photos for more detail.
I am still in the middle of treatment, but NO skin issues for over 30 days - that is a record for me.
Physical and emotional state great (we all know how stressful and life changing these issues are - for physicians who don't, may the worse parasite infect your bowels (and get cured and start educating your peers - you could clean up in growing your practice!).
For those sufferers with skin based morgellons demodex scabies and worm issues, please pay attention to your intestinal health and start looking there (flush or get intestinal parasite meds and see if you can flush out parasites). Chances are THAT is where issues started or got cranked up, and that is where you need to focus your treatment.
I believe that more than 50% of those who think their issue(s) is mites or morgellons, are actually infected by one or more intestinal parasite.
Easy to find out (lots of advice in this site and NIH studies, etc)...Flush them out! Use either "natural" means (countless advisories here on that) or using meds (ie. albendenzole/valbazen, praziquantel, fenbendazole, oxibendazole ivermectin, and others) available by resourceful folks without prescription and at vast cost savings over prescribed versions.
Chances are, your GI tract is the core of your problems (again, please pay special attention to this morgellons sufferers).
I know I have a substabtial road ahead / this is no one day or three day treatment to cure process, despite what a doctor or nurse might prescribe - They are simply ignorant and lack practical relevant experience in diagnosing and treating parasites, and are prone to believing that 90% of patients who come in to their practice thinking that they have parasites, are in some form delusional.
Most sufferers are in fact NOT delusional, Moreover, the majority are at their wits end when they arrive at doctors office, and/or have been told over and over again its in their head. They are embrassed to admit they have parasites, afraid they may infect others, and concerned they be ostracized by coworkers or friends as though they were infected with leprosy.
By the time a doctor sees one of these stressed-out, frustrated, and often desperate patients, it is no wonder the delusional parasitosis diagnosis is applied.
So fellow sufferers, have faith - there is a reason and REAL medical cause for your issues. Just because a doctor doesn't know or isn't exposed to the issue, doesn't mean it does not exist. Overseas in "developing" countries, delusional diagnosis doesn't get thrown around.
The USA medical community needs to pay attention and THINK about the noteably large number of supposed delusional paratosis diagnosis - is everyone posting on this site delusional? Are there ANY on here delusional? (Probably, but likely to be < 1%).
Im a prominently known person and when I'm done with fully ridding myself )or managing my issue if its incurable), I'm going out publically and using my influence to help take this out of the shadows.
Hope others do as well. Fear of what others might think is NOT in play in my book. Nor should it have to be.
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